About me-
Ever since I could remember, CONNECTION was a central driving force for me. Whether it was connection with a friend through stories, or capturing a moment eternally with a photograph or even creating community with someone over a cup of coffee. That is where I found my passion.
I have so many interests and passions-- I LOVE capturing stories with my photographs; ones of love, adventure, wisdom and so much more. I want to encourage others to seek out the adventure and deep life within the world already in front of us- in the relationships, experiences, and simple pleasures that are available right now. I also love pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone through travel, new experiences and exploring because that is where I feel most alive.
This space is a way for me to share my adventures, enjoyment, creativity and joy in the simplicity found in the corners of everyday life. I want to be able to share the lessons, interactions and processes with you in pursuit of what I'm passionate about so that if you find yourself in the similar, beat down situation of "impossible" seeming goals, you might be encouraged at the journey and true attainability of them-- even if they might be countercultural.
All photos on this site were taken by Brittany Ungermann. Based out of Cincinnati, Ohio