A "thank you" to those who have touched my life during my first year of college.
Well, finals week is upon us and what do I decide to do with my time other than study? That's right! Write a blog post! (It just had to be done).I wanted to take the chance to say "thank you" and "see ya soon" to all my new found friends and acquaintances I've had the pleasure of making this past year at Miami. My experience would not have been the same without you. Whether you came into my life at a high or low point, or even if you were an accomplice in making it a high or low point, I want to thank you. For I truly believe everything happens for a reason- the good, and even the bad. I've had the incredible opportunity to learn and grow from some amazing people, both inside and out of the classroom.
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To the North East, Dennison corridor residents (and others included, if it applies to you): Thank you for teaching me your Midwestern ways and laughing with me at the differences in my Californian ways; sharing clothing and mealtimes with me; for the movie nights and the huge orders of food we would have to clarify 6 times before hanging up; and for knocking on our door to fill up our room with the craziest stories and happenings that are going on in your lives or even to fill us in on what crazy things happened to you the night before.
To my roommate: Thank you for sliding into my Facebook dm's and for being my first friend here; for sharing a crowded space with me; for leaving sweet and cheesy notes on my desk before leaving for breaks; for listening to me talk about my day, frustrations, or even stories that have no point to them and for laughing with me at them afterwards; for helping me when things went a little haywire...one night in particular; for our time out on the lawn soaking up each other's presence, good music and the sun that teased us with summer weather; for being appreciative of my efforts in making your gluten free cake; for trusting me enough to open up about your life at times; for watching game shows as we prepare ourselves for recruitment; and for teaching me lessons and the little moments that I can't even explain to outsiders.
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To the true definition of a third (and fourth, and fifth) roommate: Thank you for squatting in our room as often as you could no matter what the reason- we truly enjoyed your presence, laughter and stories; for getting me hooked on the latest phone video game you're playing; for rides and adventures that came with it; and for allowing us to laugh with you at some of your crazy, and sometimes unfortunate, nights.
To my new sisters: Thank you for welcoming me, so happily and with open arms into the family; for giving me a place where I found people I can count on and call my life long friends, workout partners, and Beat buddies; and for waving at me, even if we had no idea who each other was, just because you recognized my KD shirt. You are all so beautiful and I am so lucky to be in this with you all.
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To my wonderful parents: Thank you so much for allowing me to experience attending college at one of the best, most beautiful campuses around; for answering my phone calls (for the most part) even when it may not have been the most convenient time for you and for sounding so excited to talk to me, even if it was to catch up about our days; for making sure that I was able to come home for winter and spring breaks and for those big, long hugs when I did return home; for being close when I needed you from over 2,000 miles away; and for trusting me to be on my own, make my own decisions, and even deal with my own failures. I REALLY do not know what I would do without either of you.
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To my grandparents: Thank you for always being there for me, without a doubt; for Thanksgiving and Easter and so many more home cooked meals; for Walmart stops for random items and for doctoring me up when I was sick; for being my family for Family Weekend; for wearing your "Miami Grandpa" and "Miami Grandma" buttons as proudly and as frequently as you do; and for the best hugs and smothering anyone would be lucky enough to receive. I am so happy to be close enough again to see you as much as I want!
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And even to my friends from home: Thank you for staying with me through this year and for fighting, alongside me, to keep our relationships despite our crazy busy lives and new friends; for answering my late night phone calls and texts when I missed you, or home and just needed to talk to someone; for taking the time to catch up and be excited for one another's successes and compassionate of one another's frustrations. Our friendship is truly genuine and important to me, and I hope you know that as well.
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And finally, to all new friends and acquaintances: Seriously, thank you for being you. Your unique qualities bring a variety into my life that I absolutely adore. I am very much looking forward to growing the relationships that we are just now beginning, despite the semester just ending; the laughter and memories we will have together; and even for having another friendly face on campus. I can't wait to be with you again, to make more memories and have experiences that I can only imagine will be amazing. Please know that I'm always here for you if you need anything!I can't wait to see you soon!