Why Worrying About Status & Friends in High School Is a Waste of Time:
You know that song, the one by G-Easy titled "Me, Myself + I"? That's my theme song. Here's why: I was regularly let down by so called "friends" in High School. It eventually got to the point where I realized that the only person I can rely on to be there through it all, is myself. When it comes down to it, I'm the only person that can truly make me happy. Here are some tips to help you out when you're feeling down about friend troubles or not being in the "in" crowd.
Status is temporary
Whether you're the Queen Bee of popularity or the shy girl who has her nose nestled in a book sitting in the corner, this "status" doesn't mean anything beyond the hierarchy of High School. It's unfortunate or fortunate either way you look at it. But, with that being said, worrying about having a certain persona to fit in or, stand out, if you will, doesn't do you any good. It's more than likely that after a few months, people won't remember who you wore to the Homecoming dance or how many parties you were at, but they will remember the type of person you were. Just make sure you're happy with who you are before worrying about fulfilling a specific status to please everyone else.
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Some friends are Just fillers
I hate to say this, but for girls especially, your friends Freshman year to Sophomore year might not be your friends for the rest of High School. Drama goes down, people grow apart as they discover their own interests and grow closer to other people, etc. and that is okay. It happens, but I know how it hurts too. However, being separated from these friends can be a nice space for you to determine what kind of people you want to surround yourself with. The cool part is that you get to choose who that may be.
You don't have to be around friends all the time
How hard is it to see Snapchat stories, Instagram posts, Facebook statuses of all your friends hanging out, doing things together, laughing, all without even inviting you to tag along? Oh, tremendously. I can totally understand. Don't take it personally. The best way to look at it is that you don't need to be around them all the time. Try to stay away from the social media black hole for a little bit, focus on things that you need to accomplish, contact another friend to see if they want to hang out or spend time with your family. And try to make sure that when you are included, there's no one else who could feel excluded as well.
The unfortunate reality
Once High School is over, that is you've walked across that big stage and received your diploma, there's a chance you will rarely ever talk to the people you've spent the past 4 years of your life with, ever again. I've even gone whole Spring Breaks without seeing any of my friends. It's terribly sad but happens frequently. It's a crazy time, people are busy and after graduation a lot are getting ready to go off to begin their new lives in college. But the awesome part about this situation is that if your friendship with certain people was real, they'll miss you too and make an effort to spend time with you outside of seeing you everyday at school.
Some of your truest friends might be found outside of High School so don't feel discouraged.
When in doubt, turn on some G-Easy and scream the lyrics to "Me, Myself + I" from the top of your lungs and dance it out. It helps!