State Parks are Special Too!
Take a scroll through social media for a moment and it could appear discouraging for a person with wanderlust- images that highlight the beauty of the NATIONAL PARKS or even what tropical and exotic locations in other countries have to offer, might flood your feed. It almost seems like a place isn’t worth visiting unless it has at least 5,000 other photos tagged and posted on social media (when the majority of them are quite literally all the same composition). In fact, "geotagging" is even having some really detrimental effects on those places...more on that later.
But at the heart of it, why do we go to these places? Take away the urge to go to a popular location to take a picture with the intentions of posting it on social media- why do we go to these places? Does a place needa “pic” or it doesn’t exist? For someone who really, genuinely wants to be present in a naturally beautiful place for the pure love of it, it shouldn’t matter how many times it has been featured. From personal experience, some of the best places are off the beaten path. Quite honestly, I prefer a place that doesn't have as much foot traffic or popularity from social media.
If looking at google maps on your own to discover some of these hidden gems appears to be a daunting task for you, I have another fall back plan! State Parks are special too! While they might be underrated, these areas have to at least offer something of value in order to have a group attempt to conserve them. While they might be on the smaller scale with less elaborate trails, comparatively, I still think State Parks should be considered in your pursuit of adventure.
If State Parks aren’t within a decent range for you, you can also look for National Forests, City Parks, Metro Parks or even pull off on the side of the road to meander. While each is unique in their own way and might not particularly “stand out” with a specific photo op or scenic overlook, they are incredible opportunities to take in some fresh air and soak up the wonders of natural beauty. Nevertheless, don’t be so quick to write off a location that isn’t so “Insta-gram famous”. Who knows, you could also have a unique chance to create some once in a lifetime memories and breathtaking views, especially if you bring some special people along for the ride too.